Causes of Gum Recession

The gums play a much more crucial role in oral health than many people know. They are integral in proper dental function because they protect the roots of the teeth from disease and damage. The gums also help to anchor the teeth firmly into the jaws.

When the gums recede, it can leave the teeth vulnerable to infection and decay. The teeth may also become more sensitive to temperature and pressure, which can be extremely uncomfortable. Here are four potential reasons for gum recession:

Gum Disease

This condition is caused by a buildup of bacterial film over the teeth that leads to gum infection. The infection is known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can lead to the gums receding from the teeth. This causes further oral health problems.

Often, gum disease can be hindered or completely prevented by using proper dental hygiene on a daily basis. This includes brushing and flossing to ensure than bacteria and plaque don’t have a chance to build up to pathological levels. While some causes of gum problems or recession are due to factors that are unavoidable, gum disease can be avoided.

Genetic Factors

Hair color, eye color, and even gum thickness are inherited traits. Those individuals who have inherited thinner gum tissue from their parents may be more likely to experience gum recession. They can reduce the probability of gum recession by being cautious to avoid brushing too hard and not subjecting their teeth and gums to undue wear.

If a person has thinner gum tissue, it’s also important to be conscientious about overall gum health. This includes keeping up with dental visits and daily oral hygiene. A dentist can work with individuals to show them how to maintain their gum health at home.

Tooth Eruption

When the teeth erupt, or push through the gums, they usually come through the center of a bony housing which helps to protect the roots of the teeth. In some cases, this is not what happens. The teeth may move outside of the housing. When this happens, it can cause a lack of gum tissue around the tooth where it should be.

This lack of protection and support from reduced gum tissue can be harmful to the teeth. When teeth erupt out of place, they may be moved back via orthodontics. This gives the gum tissue a chance to thicken and strengthen.

Overly Vigorous Dental Hygiene

The importance of dental hygiene and proper brushing is taught early on in life. It’s true that daily brushing and flossing are necessary to keep the teeth and gums in good shape. The problem comes in when people scrub too hard. This may cause loss of gum tissue over time. Some toothpastes also contain abrasives that are quite hard on the gums and tooth enamel. Excess pressure while brushing is not recommended.

There are ways to help people experiencing gum loss such as treating gum disease or gum graft surgery. Prevention is a better option all around. Proper dental hygiene and working with a dental care provider to get cleanings and screenings will ensure good gum health.

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